
I am not obediently taking my seat at the Republican table. I am not a spoke in the wheel the government is currently spinning us on. I am not a passive, blind, uneducated, flaccid acceptor of the lies handed down to me from political parties, media, biased textbooks and teachers, or God shrouded behind a preacher’s robe. I am not running their rat race; because even if I win, I’m still a fucking rat.

September 11th has become a badge of honor sewn onto the shirts of the members of the Republican Party. September 11th has become the Nike swoosh, except in lieu of Just Do It the slogan reads Democrats Are Such Humongous Pussies That If They Were Elected 9-11 Would Become The Norm. 9-11 is this imaginary badge of courage the Repubs flash when they can’t compensate in any other way for their deficiencies.

What do you do if your policies are outdated and as retarded as Corky from Life Goes On….evoke 9-11.

What do you do if you’re the worst president this country has ever seen and you are running for reelection….talk like a cowboy about 9-11.

What do you do if you are a lisp inflicted Mayor that sat on his hands and enacted zero anti terror mandates, and placed the headquarters of your terrorism task force in the same twin towers that the task force was assembled to protect……bring up 9-11 so much that Bin Laden gets jealous because you are stealing his claim to fame.

What do you do if you are a 72 year old former POW and the only thing that can invigorate your base, short of you stepping aside, is to nominate a racist, retard producing, misogynistic, hill-billy from Wasilla, Alaska……….you nominate that bitch and you do nothing but bring up 9-11 and your experience as a failed soldier in an attempt to convince idiot America that you are their long lost savior.

Republicans claim that we are safer when they are at the helm, that the Dems would allow terror attacks to hit our country in droves. All of a sudden these conniving crooked politicians find clairvoyance and develop a connection to the great unknown. Lest we forget 9-11 happened while the Republicans were in office, except somehow the buck stopped at the desk of the Dems. Claiming that the Democrats could not prevent an attack is futile when YOU did not prevent the original attack.

9-11 meant so much to my generation, because it crushed us for the first time. 9-11 was the first life altering event that we had ever experienced. We had grown up during the glorious Clinton years and thought that the peace we were experiencing was everlasting. We thought that our tranquility was manifest, not man made. We thought that America protected us, when it was us that had to protect her. The after effects of 9-11 saw unity that today seems unfathomable. 9-11 was not a political battle cry for the religious right….the same religious right that claimed it was God’s vengeance for homosexuality. 9-11 birthed a new level of love of country; and most of us did everything in our power to soothe our injured America and nurse her back to full strength. We looked to our leader to guide us, to give our zeal an outlet. Our leader, George Bush told us to shop. SHOP! He initiated the branding of 9-11 for his party, and now it does not evoke that sense of national pride, it has become an advertisement for the Republican Party.

We need to steal back 9-11. It is not the property of The Republican Party or The Democratic Party. 9-11 is our scar as a nation. 9-11 is not a political devise to divide my 50 year old neighbor and me because we differ politically. It is the most non-partisan issue in existence. 9-11 is not ambiguous like abortion, global warming, or stem cell research; it is the most concrete issue in this country. Even though the Republican Party continually paints 9-11 rouge, it is not red. Fuck, it’s not blue; it is red, white, and blue. We want it back. 9-11 is not a political strategy a la Willie Horton, because political strategy is forgotten, as evidenced by the amount of you that just Googled Willie Horton. 9-11 is not equivalent to Palin’s poor Downs syndrome inflicted child; a political tool used to drum up support. 9-11 is the source of my heartache as an American and where I find pride in the country that I love. I want it back, you slimy fucks. I don’t want 9-11 dirtied by all the filth underneath your fingernails. It belongs to the citizens of this country, not to a political party. GIVE IT BACK.

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