Hair Styles of the Rich and Famous

I really wish I could wear my hair in dread locks and still work at the office I do now.

Or corn rolls...what was that, they're corn rows

No way, for real...and all this team I thought they were rolls, hmmm, I don't know what a corn roll is, but I never questioned it, always thought it was an urban thing, like how bad means good and how skeet skeet means sperming all over a bitch's face...that is what skeet skeet mean, right?

Good, otherwise I may be in trouble at the barber shop.

Well anyways, I am sick of a certain hairstyle getting deemed, "unprofessional."

Why is a comb over profesh and not dreads. It doesn't make sense.

Come again?

Ohh that's it, a comb over is profesh becasue the guys is charge have comb overs. When is Busta Rhymes gonna be in charge, or Wyclef, or even Axel Rose(he also has dreads, although really trashy ones).

Look how hot and sexy dreads are.......mmmmmm Lauren Hill....before she went crazy

And look how gross and decrepit a comb over is, adsasdas, sorry I just puked onto my keyboard.

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