Loose Ends

Some policitcal info for your brains this morning.

  • Douche bag radio host Michael Savage mocks Ted Kennedy's new found brain cancer by playing a song by the band Dead Kennedy's and cracking hideous unfunny jokes. Listen Here. What a huge peice of shit. This is what is holding our country from unifying, this is why we unfortunarley have 3 America's. The Liberal Zealots, The Conservative Zeolots, and Eveyone Else. Shouldn't political differences be pushed aside when a fellow American is faced with a potentially fatal disease. Sad that Savage has a show and just as sad that he has douche bag listeners that fancy themselves as patriots.
  • I am late on this but in case y'all have not seen it, ch ch ch check it out.

  • Thank you Keith Olberman.

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