Pulling Out Just Enough

Not to go all old man penis on you, but Milton Berle was hung like a horse...no no he was hung like 2 horses. If you are thinking to yourself- "That Milton Berle?" then my answer is yes that Milton Berle.

There is a novel I read a long time ago that featured a story about Berle. This story is rather famous, ahem infamous, so type in Milton Berle Penis into your web browser of choice and my claim will be easily validated, but I digress. Berle was on a movie set or set of some sort and a fellow male actor heard about the trouser snake Berle was packing and bet him something that his dick was bigger. In front of a group of people the random guy pulled out his cock, then Berle pulled out his cock and won easily. The onlookers were obviously taken aback by Berle's length, but he informed them that he was a lot bigger than what he showed. He told them that he pulled out just enough to win.

Just Enough To Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Obama is pulling out just enough to win as well- as it relates to this nomination at least- I am not aware of his penis length or lack there of if the stereotype doesn't stick in this case, but anyways. He has taken the high road at nearly every turn of his campaign versus Hillary. At times I burned with anger because I thought he could have gone for the jugular but chose to be civil. There were time I thought her may be losing the nomination because of his unwillingness to engage her in a war of mudslinging. I was wrong. This whole time he pulled out just enough to remain on top. As she poked and prodded and hoped and prayed for his implosion, he waited and gracefully shed her attacks. While she waited for Obama to collapse upon himself like a dead star, she became a black hole right before our eyes. Her destruction has become Shakespearean. The front runner for nearly 3 years self destructs while trying to destroy a young upstart. Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear must make room the table, a new tragic figure is set to join your group- Hillary Clinton.

Hillary has one thing in common with Obama supporters- they both view Obama as a ray of light in an otherwise dark political landscape. The difference is that to her Obama shined far to bright for anyone to notice her flickers.

She has become the person trapped in an abusive relationship that is too stupid to leave. You know the person that everyone has repeatedly tried to help and rescue but their stubbornness; their innate cretonoidness has persevered so they remain friendless but still living a life of shambles. It has become sad.

Sad is the only way to describe her state at this point. Her campaign has tarnished her political resume. Her campaign has tarnished her public image. Even if her image to you was negative to being with, her actions give you more fuel, and to those that once respected her- like myself- feel duped. I feel that this woman I thought would make a great candidate, this woman that I felt would open doors not just for women but for all minorities was a fraud up until now. I am not judging or rejudging as it may seem solely on the basis on her most recent gaffe, but on her prolonged gaffe- her campaign.

Her comment was so cruel and devoid of any shred of human decency that the Lenos or Lettermans of the word could not find a way to chastise her for it. It was too tragic to mock.

I feel bad, because up until yesterday I thought that she could and would be an asset to Obama's presidential campaign, but if I had a say- which I don't- I would keep her as far away as possible. If I were Obama I would add her to the get the fuck away from me list that also includes Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, and Randy Ayers.

Now take a deep breath Einstein...okay.

Side Note Central:

  1. This post made me laugh my ass off- which was ever so welcome since I spent the day perusing political website and news papers. So read it, it really is one of Pap Smear's finest entries.

  2. This post made me jealous, because I pride myself on being able to assemble clever sentences and/or phrases ie. Ku Klux Kampaign or Bowling for Concubine, but calling Hillary- Hellary which is simple but genius is exactly what this post did. It was so clever that I pissed my pants with envy.

  3. And watch this because even though he is a tad over the top his message is pretty powerful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment, you are nice too!