My Dumb Fuck

Leggy Blonde may be a little dumber than I had previously anticipated.

  • First sign of stupidity- sleeping with me
  • Second sign of stupidity- letting me bang her without a rubber
  • Third sign of stupidity- She literally thought PVC pipe was PCP pipe. Not that there is anything wrong with a PCP pipe, but you definitely need some PVP pipe for home repair.
  • Fourth Sign of stupidity- She called me and asked if I wanted to watch a movie tonight. I said yes; not because I wanted to watch a movie but because I wanted to have premarital sex with her. She said she had just rented “The Assassination of Jesse James.” Then she says; I bet I can figure out who killed him before you do. I told her to read the entire movie title….The Assignation of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Then she asked why I wanted her to read the entire title. Seriously!!! I told her to read it a little more in depth and keep in mind the game she wanted to engage me in….Wait for it

    Wait for it

    Wait for it

    Ohhhhh it tells you who killed Jesse James.


    Maybe bangin a ‘tard will count as my charity for the year.

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