Evil Terrorist Scarf

Dunkin Donuts has pulled a commercial featuring pitch woman Racheal Ray wearing a scarf because Michelle Malkin and other conservative observers thought the scarf looked too much like a keffiyeh, what Malkin describes as "the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad."
The scarf is just that a scarf. The same scarf has been sold for about 3 years from Urban Outfitters which turned the keffiyehs into a youth trend and markets them as "anti-war scarves."
Its a sad day when Malkin has become our moral compass. But in keeping with her claims that Racheal Ray is a jihadist I feel it necessary to point out some more jihadists, so we can all sleep safe tonight.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Prime Minister of Spain. Evil bastard, he also legalized gay marriage in Spain.

Internationally renown soccer legend Ronaldo. Terrorist.

Livin La Vida Loca indeed.


Howard Dean....Liberal and Anti-American, figures.

Stud Rapper Lupe Fiasco. Does Kanye West know about this.

Mary Kate...I mean Ashley....wait which one is this, fuck, we'll never know. One of the Olsens is a jihadist.


Crazy looking Euro models, she's probably French, fucking French.

New York city hipsters...terrorist scum.

Sting, no wonder The Police broke up.

Gay dudes, un freakin believable.

Angry suburban white chicks.


Colin, why? You're way too drunk to be a jihadist.


No wonder Americans hate soccer. The players are terrorists.


Matt Lauer. No I know where in the world you were, you were somewhere inciting violence.


Ugly actresses, no wonder your career went to shit.

Uh-oh Meghan McCain, and if you're thinking -"Is that John McCain's daughter?" Then you are right.
A Rabbi, wait now I'm confused. Oh wait now I get it, ITS JUST A FLIPPIN SCARF.


123 said...

I saw your comment on my old blog..
Here's the new one:



it's me said...

i have no problem with anyone pulling rachel ray from anything for any reason. but let's be honest...it's just because she's annoying as fuck.