Sexless City

Women are finally back on the streets and ensconced in their normal daily routines; The Sex and The City movie must finally be done running its course. I loathe the course of that television show and that movie, but not in the same vein that other man loathe the movie. I hate pointless movements. I have no other reason to hate the show other than the fact that it pulls all the strings like a tampon thief- Ba doom doom.

I am ok with women only hanging out in fours and drinking fluorescent martinis until they get drunk enough to blow me in the back seat of my jeep. I am alright with women worshipping a foursome made up of A Hideous Protagonist, A Lesbian that Plays a Straight Girl, The Cute Chick that isn't all that Cute, and the Sharon Stone Look A Like Cougar that isn't Stone but is extremely boinkable. I am a hater, plain and simple, and I hate pointless movements, I hate cultural phenomena that are completely meaningless. I hate the popularity of poker, I hated Beanie Babies, I've never seen an episode of the Sopranos, I hate American Idol, and I hate Sex and the City.

So this is my welcome home soliloquy to the women fanatics of Sex in the City.

Well I have to get back to reading

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