My Survey to You

I receive thousands (ok I'm lying there were only 3) letters and emails requesting more information about my reclusive life style so here are some answers to a form questionnaire I found online. Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.

WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? The Bible....ha...kidding...I am reading Dubliners by James Joyce.



FAVOURITE BOARD GAME? Whenever I'm bored I drive downtown and throw change at poor people...oh not that kind of bored, well then.............Monopoly


BABIES? No human babies, just this alien I found in the woods, I call it Miplap, it can levitate and turn water into milk.

FAVOURITE SMELL? Sex and success


FIRST THING YOU THINK OF IN THE MORNING? Who the fuck is this girl....this is a girl... (checking)...ok she's a girl...what is her do I get her out of my bed.....I should leave and write her a note, fuck where is my pen.

FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Boy or Girl- I am naming it Fuckyou- imagine roll call in class if one of the student's name was Fuckyou.

FAVOURITE COLOUR? Pink (think about it)

WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE? Inner peace- hecks no- Sex, Booze, and Blowjobs


IF YOU COULD PLAY AN INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I already play the violin, I know, I know, it is a ladies magnet.

YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? No- too stoned to drive fast

SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? Yes, a real life squirrel, that I had stuffed serves as a paper weight on my dresser.


WHO IS THE PERSON FROM YOUR PAST YOU WISH YOU COULD GO BACK AND TALK TO? Timmy- he was my imaginary friend up until 3rd grade. I wonder what he's up to these days.


WHAT'S IN THE BOOT OF YOUR CAR? What the fuck is the boot of my car, is this survey in Old English, or am I just dumb as fuck.

DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? I eat broccoli stems and chew on weed stems.

IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? A drug dealer to the stars, for real.

EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Only with myself

GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? My glass is always full. My servants are quick with the refills.

FAVOURITE MOVIE? The Godfather and Bang Bus's Greatest Hits

DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? I have a secretary that types with her fingers on the right keys, otherwise I deport her

WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? A body and 20 dollars

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST AMBITION? To be able to do a handstand

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? Inability to perform a successful handstand


WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? Underwear- except I never wear any underwear

BEACH, MOUNTAINS OR CITY? A beach city on a mountain

TECHNOLOGY OR ART? Art - photography



FAVOURITE TIME OF DAY? The time of day I pass out. Passing out from a drug induced stupor, pure ecstasy, especially if the drug is ecstasy

THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? What the fuck is a CD

WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED? My Taint, with a woman's tongue

WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? A strong mind that is attached to a strong body





DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? I don't believe in life, so no.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SEASON? Fall. Not too sound too metro, but clothes in the Fall are so much cooler.

IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE SUPER POWER, WHAT WOULD IT BE? The ability to make women fall in love with me just so I can break their hearts....or invisibility.

DO YOU HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT IS IT? I have a penis tattoo on my penis.

CAN YOU JUGGLE? Just women.




WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MEAL? I feel like I already answered this question.....ummm sushi and steak


My Cartoon Kick

Quick Recap-

Left work

Smoked Blunt

Went to State Democartic Party Meeting

Bought a bunch of Sushi

Came home


Watched cartoons

Here is one of my favorite cartoon. It's called Salad Fingers, and there are like 5 more episodes. It is brazilliant.


My words will do this video no justice...ahem....enjoy


Bits of Tid

  1. Why do drug dealers always need a ride somewhere-WHY? I have been buying copious amounts of drugs from these Arabic cats for about 3 years now, and they are still constantly broke. My habit alone has to be enough for them to maintain an apartment and a car payment, but it doesn't. Every time I roll over there they ask me to run them across town, or to taco bell, or to the arcade, or to the zoo.
  2. Yes, one of the Arabs asked me to drive him over the the zoo, and to drop him off. I was too stoned to ask him any in depth questions, but the lunacy of the incident was not wasted on my sober brain.
  3. I don't understand why people-mostly women- dance as they enter the bar. Why do they dance through the doorway, it that really necessary? The music will be playing for 5 more hours, yet your body must move as soon as it breaks that faux barrier with the outside world.
  4. Inspired by Spain's victory in the Euro cup I decided to play some pickup soccer Sunday evening. However, in the hullabaloo created by my over zealous intentions I forgot to pack my shin guards- DUMB. Today my legs are swollen and bruised- my shins look like Amy Winehouse' face.
  5. I am kind of hoping Amy Winehouse dies. I like her music, but she is getting on my nerves. Please fate just kill her so she can become this generation's Janis Joplin.

Milton, Latarian Milton

My adopted son Latarian Milton is in trouble again. All jokes aside; this kid needs help in the worst way. I am going out on a ledge here, bbbbbut I'm blaming the parents. Poor kid.

I learned from DONTBECHI.COM, that he was supposed to be on Judge Judy and then his television appearance was canceled. Now the most famous 7 year old joy rider of all time has struck again.

Blunt Cake

I called this post "Blunt Cake," HA. Did you get it, its a play on Bunt Cake, except it's Blunt Cake.....ok sorry.

Work Blows.
I want to smoke a blunt instead.

I work at a crisis management firm and most of these crises are way overblown. As soon as I get out of this tie I'm going to be way overblown....cause I'll be high. Do you get it?
I am going to count down to my favorite Blunts, starting from least favorite to favoritest.

Worst Blunt
Republican Rep. ROY BLUNT
His was pro-commuting Scooter Libby's indictment.
He is anti gay adoption.
He is also anti internet gambling- boo to you Roy "Worst Blunt Ever" Blunt

Less Worse Blunt
James Blunt
He dates hot chicks- jealous.
He is waaaaaayyyyyyyy too whiny for my liking.
The only reason he's is less worse than Roy Blunt, is that I may have dug a couple of his songs, but just a couple.

Sir Anthony Blunt
He was knighted by the queen....Am I supposed to capitalize "the queen?" Who knows.
He was the 4th man in the Cambridge 5. What are the Cambridge 5 you ask....they were a group of highly successful spies in the 40's.
He is super bad ass.

2nd Favorite Blunt.
Emily Blunt
Why is she so high on the list you ask...maybe because I have pictured her while fucking a random skank from the bar.
Most Favoritest Blunt
One filled with Blueberry Yum Yum.
Yum Yum indeed.

Gas and Hoes

As if I needed another reason to visit a brothel-

Nevada brothels offer gas cards, extra services during fuel crisis

Maniac Monday

I watched Wanted last night. The movie was bad ass, if it's held in context as a film that is just meant to be bad ass.

I am a very impressionable person. When I watched Blow I wanted to deal the coke. When I watched The Godfather I wanted to open up my own olive oil company as a front for mafia business arrangements. When I watched Munich, I wanted to be Jewish. When I played Grand Theft Auto, I wanted to run people over and rape prostitutes while carjacking guys wearing yellow sweaters. After watching Wanted I have this underlying urge to start fucking people up.

I have no idea why I'm writing this post.

PS---This is why I smoke pot, it levels me out. OK now I have to get back to work.

Soccer, Bitches



EURO CUP @))* ohh sorry cap lock was still on, I meant to type 2008

I love soccer.
I played soccer.
I play soccer.

I have been laid because of soccer.

I don't understand why so many soccer fans want "The Beautiful Game" to become popular in the states.

I am glad the US hates soccer.

To me soccer is that great band that only you and a select few know about. You are glad they are unknown. If that band ever hits it big then every frat boy and sorority slut in town is all of a sudden into that band and they are thoroughly ruined.
Side Note: My new band of choice is "THE KINGS OF LEON." I know they are popular, but to an annoying degree yet, but I digress.
SO, my point is that I don't want my niche sport ruined by the majority.
I hate the majority.

Elect to Reject

I was at Hooters the other night and surprisingly the waitress gave me her number- what can I say I'm bad ass. One of the guys at my table was this awkward cat and he asked me how I managed to swing the lady that I just swung. So I told him.


That is my game, and nothing more. The convo then veered into talk of rejection. I informed him that for every Hooter's number I could lure into my pocket there was a rejection waiting in its wake to even out my fate. I also ascertained that I had the most severe rejection story of anyone at our table.

Stories began to abound and we were regaled with tales of abject failure, but mine took the cake.

My rejection tale begins about 5 years back while I was waiting tables. There was a lascivious brunette with my name written all over her. I flirted with her and laid the foundation for the day I would ask her out.

It was a Saturday night, around 8:30, and there was a festival in town that would last around 1 am. I asked Elizabeth if she would go with me and grab a drink, if we somehow managed to get out prior to 1 am.

She said yes, and she also said that it sounded like fun.

We were cut at 10, even though our restaurant closed at midnight.

Why were cut at 10, you ask, because I told my manager that if he would cut Elizabeth and I before 11, I would give him the blunt I had in my car.

As we were getting ready to leave Eliz, told me that she couldn't go. She said that she forgot she had a family reunion to get to.


I was pissed off now, not only had I lost my pseudo date, but I was out of the only thing my sorrows could be drowned in- MY BLUNT.

And that my friends is the worst blow off story ever; unless y'all have some better ones.

Spray on Sex

I hate condoms.

I hate the way they prevent my semen from spraying away from my shaft.

I hate peeling it off with a white creamy mess left it its absence.


The Germans have enriched our lives again. They have created a spray on condom.


I want to use it now. I want to spray liquid latex on my boner.

A German invention that benefits American men has been a long time coming, you know since we let them have David Hasellhoff.

Liquid latex is pumped onto the penis and hardens in 20-25 seconds, and then sex can commence.
They are trying to hasten the drying process, with the hopes of achieving a drying time of 10 seconds.

Worst Person of The Day

I found this on the web, actually on BREAK.COM. Being the cynic that I am, I doubt that this is real, but for the sake of this post let's assume this is real. This voice mail made me feel so good about myself, since I am nothing like this guy. I can actually see why women think most men are douche bags. Aiy-yie-yie. - Watch more free videos

You Can Be A Ni#*er Too

When I was younger I memorized every single song on Kris Kross's album, like "I missed the Bus."

I went to bed late but I didn't think late would EFFECT ME
Early came around
then late wouldn't LET ME
Wake up - WAKE UP - so I can get dressed I
guess my body was mad 'cause I gave it no rest
And when I finally did
awake it was a quarter to 8:00
Jumped in the shower and I know I was late
Stepped out put on my jeans and my Ewings
And said to myself if I miss
school I'm ruined
But I ran down hill and I RUSHED RUSHED
I ran down the
I missed the bus [ohh] I missed the bus; I missed the bus [ohh]
And that is somethin I will never ever ever do again

But then I realized that they were corny as fuck when I finally hit puberty and grew some hair on my balls. So I began listening to Nasty Nas.

And now he has dropped a "controversial" album.

So he is the first single off the album. It's called "You Can be a Ni#*er Too."

I like the song. I know that all 10 of my readers vary completely in their taste's, so what do you think?

Russel Brand

I am sure I have sung this guy's praises before, but he is my new comedian of the week. I have never actually had a comedian of the week, so I guess that also makes him my first comic of the week, but I digress.

He is hilarious and he has been clinically diagnosed as a nymphomaniac.

A nympho U.K. actor/comedian.

If that doesn't scream Sexy Einstein, then I don't know what does.

Oh yeah, if you haven't seen "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" then you surely must. It is very funny, and there are plenty of full frontal male nudity for all the ladies and gaylords out there.

How Does My Ass Taste?

Shaq shits on Kobe and wants to know the flavor of his giant behind.

I love Shaq.

By the way I liked Kobe alot more when he was a suspected rapist, not the face of the NBA. He is too "plastic" now.

But Shaq, is the 'ish

I also found this video and this made me laugh out loud.

It's understated and calming.

A Philly comic kicks it -A Capella - for the ladies.

Johnny Mac's Veep

Johnny Mac has a big decision to make; really big since he is down double digits to Obama in the polls.

I am sure Johnny Mac is very capable of choosing a number 2, but I have a couple cents that I am donating to his search, free of charge.
So onto my analysis of the possible Veeps and my choice for Johnny Mac's Veep:
Tim Pawlenty
He has an approval rating of 70% in Minnesota. But Minnesota also elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura as Gov. prior to Tiny Tim, so what the fuck do they know. Tim looks like he has a stamp collection, so he has about a 10% chance to become VEEP; sorry Timmy.
Charlie Crist
I actually like Crist, even though he has a God complex due to his last name almost being Christ. This guy lives in Miami and could have half a dozen hot Cuban mistresses if he wants. I doubt Johnny Mac wants an old due so much cooler than he is. He has a 25% chance of being named VEEP; for Crist's sake.

Bobby Jindal
Bobby is the hot candidate as of late. I sure am glad he escaped from Guantanamo Bay with Harold. If he joins McCain's ticket, will Johnny Quest come along too. There is a 20% of Jindal becoming the Veep because Dell would have to hire a new tech. support guy. In all seriousness though, Johnny Mac is twice this guy's age. Johnny Mac's pair of adult diapers have seniority over Jindal. Don't you think Johnny Mac would get annoyed every time Air Force One would have to perform a security strip search on Jindal; I do.

Condoleeza Rice
Black, Check. Woman, Check. Face like horse that was run over by a tank, Check. Rice is smart and an evil genius, so I'll give her 35% chance of being named the Veep. I think the Mac man would always assume someone is bringing him dinner when her name is announced.
Mitt Romney
Johnny Mac and Mitt hate each other, which would probably make for a great partnership. They could be our generation's Odd Couple. They could be the new Crockett and Tubbs. They could be the new Tango and Nash. I give Romney a 60% chance of being named Veep. I deducted points because he is a little too good looking for a Republican Governor.

Mike Huckabee
I fuckin hate this guy. Look at his squirrel face. By the way he ate squirrels as a child. Sick bastard. The religious right does like this guy alot, so I am going with 55% chance of Veep possibility. The guy moved his family into a mobile home while his Governor's Mansion was being remodeled. You can take the man out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the man. He also doesn't believe in evolution; yikes. He is a dumb country bumpkin.


He is allowed to become a Veep even though he in the incumbent president. Johnny Mac could ask Bush's opinion on topics and do the exact opposite. But as a writer that loves to try his hand at comedy, Bush creates some of the best fodder. What better way to have Bush sans the power than to have him serve as Veep. So here's to McCain-Bush in '08.

New Stoner Song

I love this song- why? Because it not only gets me in the mood to smoke pot, but it also enhances my buzz.

If I was a tampon Flobots would be blood, because I absorb their music 100%. No leaks.

Peace out.

Drive by Relationship

Fun Game Alert- Drive on the expressway with your knees while rolling a joint on the back of you blackberry; and try not to die, cause that's what I can do. Bitches

Alright, peep this. I was wooed, dated, and then dumped during that same ride home. As I completed rolling that joint I laid it in the passenger seat and buckled it in until I could find my lighter; safety first. I pulled off of the expressway and DA-DA, I saw her. She was a brunette with blue eyes that caused a deep languor to set into my knees. But what the fuck was I to do, I was driving and as a driver I had to remain as laconic as possible, so I continued looking for my lighter and drove.

We hit the same light. I looked to my right and she smiled and waved at me. I waved back, and I couldn't wipe the cheesy ass 3rd grade grin off of my face.

We hit the next light. I threw my hands up incredulously, she smile and mouthed follow me.

Oh yes.

I got behind her, with the hopes of getting inside her. There was a Rite Aid up ahead and she put her blinker on. I threw that little annoying green arrow on as well. She pulled into the parking lot slowly, and as she did all I could think about was "Should I run into Rite Aid and pick up some condoms now, or would that be too presumptuous...maybe she will let me hit it bareback."

And then she took off. Gone is less than 60 seconds.

I was crushed. I was dumped by a woman I never dated.

It hurt.

What a bitch, why would she run me through the gamut of emotions. One caveat here, if she were to come back all would be forgiven, but she never did.

Lucky for me my joint got my spirits back up.

Drunk Driver

Scene: A cookout. My friend Shredder's place.

Side Note: I realize that many of my tales begin with "I was at this cook out," which may illicit images of rap videos and volley ball matches, but that is not the case. My friend has an unreal house on the lake with a barbecue pit that causes salivation on sight. But there is definitely hip hop serving as background music.


There were vodka martinis aplenty and bikini clad heaven was not too far away. My sobriety had passed me by hours ago, so I kept on drinking until I had to puke.

Instead of actually throwing up I just grabbed some food and stuffed my face.

I was so drunk that I neglected hitting on the ladies just to sing Bon Jovi with my friends and tell them how much I loved them.

Singing "Livin On A Prayer" and "You Give Love a Bad Name" while wasted is one of the most enjoyable activities known to man.


I had my car keys on me, but I honestly never intended to drive; seriously. I walked around to the side of the house to relieve my bladder from the growing pressure caused by the excess alcohol resting within it.

As I was peeing I dropped my cigarette and knelt down to pick it up, but forgot that I was still peeing and my urine went rogue for a moment.

I noticed that some of the party goers were laughing at me, so I decided to "get funnier." I walked to my car, sat inside it, and turned it on. I waited for someone to notice and nada. I threw the car in drive and inched it forward about 10 yards, and still nobody noticed.

All of a sudden I realized that drunk driving isn't so tough. I just drove a perfect 10 yards, without an incident. I lived literally 2 miles away, so I threw caution to the wind and drove home.

Even though I avoid drunk driving at all costs, I have to admit I am very good at it.

But I had a slip up on this day. I accidentally drove right past the entrance to my subdivision and decided to throw the car in reverse on this main road. I also accidentally drove my car up onto the curb while in reverse. Not good times.

I made it home with nothing but guilt on my conscience and dirt on my vehicle.

I may need help at some point.

American Graffiti

Romero Luvs Halley

Bad Ass Chicka hearts Q-Tip ...

Amy loves Adam

Rob sucks cock

Melanie will suck your dick call 4238944

I' ve been taking a couple of new routes during my jogging excursions. I have been running beneath a viaduct and couldn't help but to notice some of the above proclamations that adorned the cement walls serving as notebook pages for our town criers.

I wonder how everlasting some of these relationships were. I wonder if Melony actually sucks dick. I wonder why she hasn't returned my phone calls. I wish scientist would could studying mice in mazes and study the effects of graffiti on the male female dynamic.

This post sounded way funnier in my head.


I am addicted to the Sham-Wow guy. This one minute infomercial not only educates but it leaves my laughing my ass off. The spokesman- Vince- is the new Ron Popeil.

Ron and I had a very close relationship while I was in college. When my roommates and I would get home from the bar we would get stoned and turn on the television. DA-DA; here's Ron telling us about a food dehydrator, or spray on hair, or- and this is the best- the Ron Popeil Rotisserie. We were stoned and Ron was showing us images of the most gloriously succulent chicken I had ever seen. It almost left me feeling guilty about plowing throw the bag of Combos that rested on my lap.

Even though I live alone now and can't really afford to get high as often as I did...I plow through those reservations and get high anyway. For some reason info-mercials speak loudest to pot-heads, and woman that own a large amount of felines.

Vince from Sham-Wow is my new stoner buddy. When he praises the German's for their ingenuity I lose it. He is Fred Astaire to the Sham-Wow's Ginger Rogers in their magical dance. When his accent that screams of the Southey projects in Boston gets thickah I picture him in a bar with Sully arguing over the virtues of Sham-Wow.

Sully: Sham-Wow ain't shit, Bounty is the truth

Sham-Wow Guy: The thickah quickah pickah uppah has got squat on my impervious sham-wow. How do yah like dem apples. Now shut up the Saux are on, Baaaastan.

If I were ever to go to rehab I would definitely need to take Vince and his Sham-Wow commercial with me.

Snoop VS Janet

When I was in elementary school I received a CD walk man as a gift and couldn't wait to make the trek out to Best Buy and make a best buy. I chose Snoop Dog's first album- Doggy Style- to be my first album.

For three days I memorized the raps and bobbed my head with every syncopated beat that flowed through the earphones that were too large for my head.

And then it happened. I lost my beats. The place I was staying at the time was pretty conservative and the CD's content came to light and I lost it, because they lost it.

They took it away and I cried, like a bitch. They must have felt bad for me because they exchanged the CD for another hot album- Janet Jackson's- Janet.

I wasn't happy about it but I needed to put my CD player to good use until I became adult enough to buy my own music. So I memorized all the words to her songs and I bobbed my head to the beat.

Now that I'm a tad bit older I feel that that CD exchange may have changed my life.

If I had continued to listen to Snoop instead of Janet I may have become a rap battle superstar.

If I had continued to listen to Snoop instead of Janet I may not be afraid of getting into a fight now.

If I had continued to listen to Snoop instead of Janet I may be able to do one armed push-ups instead of girl push-ups.

If I had continued to listen to Snoop instead of Janet I may not dress in flat front chinos and wear Dickies instead.

If I had continued to listen to Snoop instead of Janet I may wear Chuck Taylor's to work in lieu of the Kenneth Cole's that now adorn my feet.

Who knows what would have become of me. This debate may shape the rest of my days, Snoop vs Janet.

Well I have to go get a manicure....I am sure I would not be doing this if I continued with Snoop.

Smoking BAN-dits

I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 19. I am not addicted. I just think I look bad ass smoking. Seriously, I picked up the hobby because it makes me feel cool, and anyone that claims smoking isn't cool is a liar, or a cancer survivor; whatever.

I also find it sexy when women smoke- there I said it. But there is a new found benefit to smoking since it has been banned inside almost every bar in almost every major city.It helps me with the ladies.I was and still am anti smoking bans. Smoking and booze are tied together like tampons and string. If you hate smoke don't work in a bar, but I digress.

The only positive aspect of the indoor smoking ban is that the smokers congregate outside of the bar, sans the heavy music and cock blocks. It's nothing but small groups of people with similar interests and a built in conversation starter:

"I hate this smoking ban."

"So do I"

Even if I weren't a smoker I would pick it up just to gain a meaningful excursion from the hot and crowded bar with the permanently wet floor. Even if I weren't a smoker I would pick it up as an easy in with hot chicks that smoke. Even if I weren't a smoker I would pick it up just so I could post myself against the wall of the bar and strike my best James Dean profile with the hopes that it will attract a woman looking for conversation, sex, or at least a light.

One For the Gays

Phyllis Lyon, right, kisses Del Martin after being married by Mayor Gavin Newsom in San Francisco on Monday.
Take that John McCain!!! Congrats to all the gays out there, even the elder octogenarian lesbians.
Side Note: This may be the only time I have seen two women kiss and not immediately wanted to jump in. At least not immediately............kidding

Masturbation Motivator of the Day

Since this past weekend introduced my desires to images of red headed woman I decided to dedicate a post to one of my favorites. You're welcome. I would type her name but I have to begin foreplay........with myself.

Song of the Day

Just try and get this song out of your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frickin' Ticket

I was at a U.S. National park and I was camping, drinking, and fishing (which I suck at), with some friends. I was in a canoe with Freckles and a fishing pole in my hands. I was fishing for some love making opportunities more so than for fish.

By the way Freckles is a red head that magically appeared at our camp site. She is not a regular red head, she is actually hot. As I leaned back in the canoe to make sure Freckles had a good view of the abs I forgot that the fishing pole was in my hands. Then the DNR showed up.

"Can I see your fishing licence sir"

What the fuck, I'm not fishing for fish copper, I fishing for woman. I just brought the pole to ease Freckles' nerves about getting into a canoe with a man she barley knows.

Then the Department of Natural Resources officer wrote me a ticket, a ticket for "fishing" in a national park.



What's next? Will I have to purchase a licence to kiss an American girl? This blows.

I tried to explain to the officer that I wasn't really fishing, I was trying to wet some loins, if you know what I mean.

He didn't.

I was too angry to continue flirting with Freckles.

Fuck the police, especially the nature police.

There has to be a country band that has recorded and NWA style fuck the police referencing the DNR. I must find that song.

Hot Tub

It's 7 a.m. and the delivery men just showed up with my hot tub. I am now one step closer to my dream of a grotto realized. This hot tub will increase my sexual intercourse intake at least 50%; at least that's what the sales person said.

The woman that sold me the tub, may as well not have been wearing a top. I could tell, without much eye strain, that she had lovely areolas. I could also tell that she was going to get me to purchase as many unnecessary amenities as humanly possible.

I am positive that the less clothes a sales woman is wearing, the more money I will spend.

During the purchase I needed a way to come on to this woman without using lines I'm sure she has heard a million times; like:

"You should come over and try this hot tub out."


"Are you doing the delivery"


"Nice shoes, wanna fuck."

So, I finally went with,

"Uhhh....ummmmm, boy it sure is hot out there."

Seriously, what a complete dolt. I felt like my tongue was fighting the inside of my mouth.

So I signed the contract and all the necessary paperwork and as I left the store I looked at the receipt and DA-DA. There was phone number with a name, and a note saying call me if you have any problems or questions.

Just as soon as I can come up with a clever question that will ensure some playful banter between my hot tub crush and myself I will definitely ring her up.

Unless I'm too busy with all the new poon my hot tub will garner.

Video of the Day

Bo Burnham

The Greatest Story of All Time...Seriously

I am going to tell you about my Saturday night. I am going to Tarantino this shit by starting out with the scene Sunday morning and then give the big reveal. Ouch, fuck, shit....sorry, I just dropped my joint directly onto my thigh. It burned a little since I am typing in my birthday suit.

Side Note: If you're ever going to sustain a minor injury- like a burnt thigh- doing it while high is the best plan of attack. It doesn't really hurt, and it's a tad bit funny.

Ok, now back to Sunday morning. I woke up in a bed that was not mine, in a house that was unfamiliar, and with a used condom on. I don't remember having sex, and I definitely don't know who the girl was. I am amazed that I had the where with all to make sure I threw a jimmy on. I mean, what kind of parent wouldn't want their daughter to hook up with me; even hammered beyond recognition I still chose safe sex, even if it doesn't feel as good.

I stood up and stretched my hungover bones. I looked through the window to the world outside and noticed a dented black truck laying on its side at the bottom of the very long and steep hill this home was set on. Oh fuck, that truck looks just like My Cool Ass Black Friend's truck. I adjusted my view so I could see the licence plate number, and it was his. The vanity plates were intact and definitely read "Cool Ass Black Guy."

I walked into the bathroom and discarded the used condom. Just an FYI, used condoms become hard over time, the latex and semen form a paper mache type of compound. I threw on a towel and walked downstairs and found the Guy that Knew Stuff.

"Yo, Guy, where the fuck am I?"

You were partying with your friends at the pub and you must have become a tad bit too drunk.

"The soccer games lasted a tad bit long"

Well, Shredder just purchased this house and you were too drunk to arrive on time or to realize you were at his house warming party upon your arrival.


For real, you showed up here puking your ass off and you passed out on the back deck. Then you perked up instantly an hour later when all the ladies arrived and continued to drink.

"Damn, I'm kind of bad ass"

Settle down there tough guy.

"So what's the deal with Cool Ass Black Guy's truck?"

I was hoping you would ask, because that actually is bad ass. Well, he was drinking at the pub with you, then he showed up here and continued polluting his body. 3 am rolled around and he got a call from the strippers at the Vu, so he left to pick them up and bring them over.

"But he was fucked up"

Yup, and yet he still put his life on the line to get sluttier girls to this party because he cares.

"Wow, he is bad ass"

Not yet there champ, the bad ass is on its way. He pulled out of the driveway and he pumped a little bit too much gas and his truck rolled down the hill.

"Is he ok?"

He pulled himself out of the mini wreck, walked back into the house, downed a couple more shots, and then he took someone else's vehicle to pick up the strippers.

"He's a legend"

That he is.

"One more question, I woke up with a used condom on my dick with hardened sperm caked on my shaft. What's the deal with that?"

You must have bagged one of the strippers, but I don't know which one. Ok that's it my friend, I have to go.

"See you Guy That Knows Stuff."

I told you fuckers that Saturday night was off the chain. I just have to find out who this lucky stripper was, and maybe pop some penicillin in the process.

My Shitty Night

I had to go to the emergency room last night. I had to get a multitude of vaccinations and shots; tetanus, influenza, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, syphilis, flu, bubonic plague, and a score of others.

Why you ask?

Is it because I was involved in the world's most grotesque orgy? NO

Is it because I am a champion at the fight club that takes place at the local meat packing plant? NO

Is it because I have not been laid by a human woman for about 3 months that I resorted to fucking female sheep? NO

Is is because I accidentally dropped my wallet into a porta-potty yesterday? Unfortunately YES.

I was at a festival last night and had my money clip in my hand as I walked into the dreaded portable potty. I set the clip on the plastic shelve covering the toilet paper. As I pissed I laid my head back and moaned in ecstasy. I heard something rustling to my left, but by the time I turned my head its descent into the pit of despair had already begun. I may have been able to grab it, but I was effing hammered.

I had to retrieve my money clip, with all of my I.D's and credit cards from the bowl of a porta potty- with my hands.

Then I collapsed and went into apoplectic shock and awoke in the emergency room, due to the diseased water I had to make contact with.

The worst buzz kill of all time.

Fisherman's Blues

It's a wonderful day outside so I thought- "Hey, why don't I lug my laptop into the backyard and tan while I type." Not such a great idea.

A June bug jus* landed on my keyboard, on a specific le**er and I am *oo afraid of i* to do any*hing.....I *hink June bugs have a clock *ha* rings a* midnigh* during *he firs* of June, because *hey are *he mos* punc*ual bug in the world. May 31-No June Bugs...June 1s*, a million of *hem.

Ok, now its gone, I can finally use my "T" key again, instead of a star(*) in its stead.

Hold on, I have to run back inside my house.

(Picture a curly haired chap running like a girl back into his humble abode carrying a laptop and some iced green tea...gotta love those anti-oxidants.)


I think that good fisherman and Internet skills are reciprocals. Let me explain.

I went fishing for the first time in my life the other day and caught a grand total of...

(Wait for it)

(Wait for it)

(Wait for it)

Zero fishies.

So as soon as I got home I googled- how do I catch fish. I found some articles that used the lexicon of fisherman, which was Greek to me. So I tried to Youtube some fish vids and found the crappiest lot of self help vids of all time. Half of the vids were ads enticing me to by the actual videos and the others were filmed in 1985 and had the graininess of a Paris Hilton sex tape. Not good times.

Side Note: I love that sex tapes have improved so much. Paris Hilton's was terrible and gave me a slight case of vertigo, but Kim Kardashian's was professionally done and has me on the edge of my porn loving seat for the next famous person's sex tape. I am really rooting for Lindsay Lohan lesbian sex tape, unless it's with that female DJ chick she's jocking lately- puke.

I have come to the conclusion that good fisherman are not very computer savvy. There I said it.

Sexless City

Women are finally back on the streets and ensconced in their normal daily routines; The Sex and The City movie must finally be done running its course. I loathe the course of that television show and that movie, but not in the same vein that other man loathe the movie. I hate pointless movements. I have no other reason to hate the show other than the fact that it pulls all the strings like a tampon thief- Ba doom doom.

I am ok with women only hanging out in fours and drinking fluorescent martinis until they get drunk enough to blow me in the back seat of my jeep. I am alright with women worshipping a foursome made up of A Hideous Protagonist, A Lesbian that Plays a Straight Girl, The Cute Chick that isn't all that Cute, and the Sharon Stone Look A Like Cougar that isn't Stone but is extremely boinkable. I am a hater, plain and simple, and I hate pointless movements, I hate cultural phenomena that are completely meaningless. I hate the popularity of poker, I hated Beanie Babies, I've never seen an episode of the Sopranos, I hate American Idol, and I hate Sex and the City.

So this is my welcome home soliloquy to the women fanatics of Sex in the City.

Well I have to get back to reading

From LeeCamp.Net